Friday, February 27, 2015

Important Real Estate/Can't Happen Here?/Faith

1.  Do you know what to include in your author/writer bios? Edie Melson, at The Write Conversation, talks about this much-neglected subject as important real estate.

2.  We've read articles on homeschooling being outlawed/restricted in Germany. Can't happen here? Think again. WND reports on a homeschool family in Arkansas that had a scary experience.

3.  Quiet Spirit, at Following My King, has a devotional blog you might like to visit. Check out her article on Confessing Your Faith.

Writers:  What do you put in your bios?

Readers:  Do you read devotional books/blogs? What are some of your favorites?

Photo Credit:  sikarios


Terri Tiffany said...

Susan, I've been asked for my bio over and over but never read anything about what to put into it, thanks for the link! Going there now!

quietspirit said...

Susan: One of the email lists I participate in recenlty had our bios as a topic. I learned some things I needed to do to streamline mine. I also didn't know we should have different ones for different types of writing, and some should be longer than others. Thank you for the linking of my blog entry.