Thursday, October 9, 2008

Friday Round-Up - #18

Did your childhood reading include Nancy Drew or Cherry Ames books? If these characters inspire nostalgia, check out The Vermont Country Store. Another place to find older books are antique stores, flea markets, and used book stores.

I discovered a fun item over at InSpire's blog - a book purse. Yup, it's a purse crafted from an old or unwanted book. The ready-made versions are pricey at $155.00, but one link brings you to a site with directions. Wouldn't it be cool to make a purse out of someone's favorite book and then put the real deal inside?

Christian Fiction Online Magazine's October issue is now available. Randy Ingermanson is his usual funny self, asking advice from Sam, the Plumber. Brandilyn Collins, Susan May Warren, Mary DeMuth, and others serve up delicious writing meals. To further whet your appetite, the magazine has a contest for a box of books.

Enjoy the weekend!


Sarah said...


I didn't notice this post until you pointed it out. Sorry, but glad you said something.

I used to love, love, love Nancy Drew when I was young. My mom still buys me the OLD books (now, random authors write the Nancy Drew series, in place of Carolyn Keene). Anyways, I've been collecting the Nancy Drew series forever!

Rita Gerlach said...

Hi Susan,

Thank you for mentioning 'InSpire' in your blog. Word is spreading through other blogs about the 'book purses'. Just think, we might see them all over the place soon!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Sarah -

You might want to check and see if you missed any other posts. I only noticed the problem on Friday, but several posts were affected. Always something new to learn in the blogging arena!

I had a collection of Nancy Drew books, but somehow they got lost during one of my many moves. Cherry Ames and the Bobbsey Twins were old favorites, as well.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi InSpire -

The idea of a book purse is certainly unique. Maybe they'll come out with a ready-made version that's more affordable.

Susan :)