According to, a connoisseur is, "a discerning judge in any field." The author certainly qualifies as a connoisseur. As chocolate buyer for the prestigious London store, "Fortnum and Mason," she travels the world in a quest for the best varieties. Indeed, she consumes a pound of chocolate per day. Talk about a dream job.
Some chocolate trivia:
Chocolate arrived in the American colonies in 1765. The first chocolate factory opened in Dorchester, Massachusetts.
Some of our favorites, like the Mars Bars and KitKat, were invented in the 1930's.
Most cocoa beans are grown in the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Equador, Madagascar, and Jamaica.
Whether you want to become a connoisseur, an expert in chocolate trivia, or swoon at the taste, you'll find everything you ever wanted to know about chocolate in this compact volume. This would be a great gift for a culinary student or someone involved in the food industry. It's available at Amazon.
I'm keeping this one on my bookshelf for future reference. Who knows? Maybe someday I'll write an international thriller about a plot to eliminate chocolate from the planet.
Now there's an idea! LOL
What an interesting book. I have to wonder how much this woman weighs :-)
Sigghhhhh, I'd love to be paid to eat chocolate.
Hi Jessica -
The author says she's diligent about working out. Also, fine chocolate isn't made with a lot of sugar or cocoa butter. Hmm, low calorie chocolate?
Susan :)
A plot to rid the world of chocolate? Sounds scarier than a Stephen King novel.
This book sounds delicious. Some books I need to read with a box of tissue, this one I'd read with a box of Godiva!
Hi Sarah -
Can you imagine the women of the world without chocolate? Yeowww!
A good idea to keep chocolate handy reading this book. I ate an unusual amount of the stuff last week. This is a fine illustration of art influencing life decisions.
BTW, she says that most of the chocolate out there isn't really chocolate. You'll have to read the book to get your questions answered on that one.
Susan :)
I could talk about chocolate all day Susan! :)
Hi Susan;
I am an unusual person. I am caffiene-senstitive. I had some hot chocolate late Sunday night. Here it is Wednesday and finally have the stuff out of my system. I can handle white chocolate. And some of those snack-sized candy bars, on occasion.
Interesting topic, to be sure. I'm glad to see that the Colonies had chocolate so early (1765) because that means that England definitely had it by then if not much sooner (and I'm always looking for proof of chocolate in the Regency), lol.
Susan, drop me a line if you'd like to join the blog tour for my upcoming December release, Before the Season Ends--Christian regency romance.
Linore (at) LinoreRoseBurkard (dot) com
Very interesting! I'll have to look for it and glean some chocolaty facts for myself. Thanks!
I've missed reading your blog and will try to get over here more than every-now-and-then! Work is really messing with my blog time :)
Blessings to you!!!
Hi Everyone -
Oh, I'm so happy! My old comment page is back. I tried and tried to comment this morning, but Blogger wasn't cooperating.
Quiet Spirit -
I have to be careful with chocolate myself. Too much and it can trigger a migraine. Brownies and cake-like chocolate don't bother me, but candy bar/chocolate frosting/pudding type chocolate can cause problems.
Linore -
Hi! If you want enough material to talk about chocolate for a lifetime, this is the book to read.
I'll email you about the blog tour.
Annie Girl!
I've missed you. So glad you had a few minutes to pop by. I check your blog every day to see if there's a new post.
My schedule has been a monster of late. I'm trying to tame it with my new time management system. It's not actually a system - just trying to fool the old brain into thinking it has more time.
Susan :) :) :)
I'm sooo happy the old comment page is back.
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