Friday, March 31, 2017

Creativity/Conflicting Advice/Prayer/Devo/Chocolate

1.  Grammarly advises us on ways to inspire creativity. I need this.

2.  One of my great frustrations as a writer involves the abundance of conflicting advice. Cathy Yardley posts at Writer Unboxed on this subject. It was well worth the read for me and applies to both fiction and non-fiction writers.

3.  Wow! Breaking Christian News shares the story about how 50 weeks of prayer held the Supreme Court seat open until now. The death of Justice Antonin Scalia was a serious blow to those who advocate an original intent Constitution.

4.  The Write Conversation had a wonderful devotional written by Danetta Kellar called, "The God Who Sees Me."

5.  Here's a recipe the kiddos will enjoy making and eating. Chocolate Dipped Swirl Pops are making me hungry.

Writers:  Have you experienced conflicting advice on your writing? Please share.

Readers:  Do you read any Christian News websites? Recommendations?

Photo Credit:  Cheryl Empey

1 comment:

quietspirit said...

Susan: I have received some conflicting advice about working my blog.I have also read conflicting thoughts, over time, about the "write every day" thought. I have decided to write when I can. What works for one writer might not work for another.