Friday, May 13, 2016

Comparisons/10 Fixes/Support/Photos/Not Winning

1.  Chuck Sambuchino guest posts at Writers in the Storm. We all learn from other authors, but there are some comparisons that should be avoided. He gives Five Comparisons Not to Make For Your Book.

2.  Zoe M. McCarthy gives 10 Fixes to Edit Unclear and Wordy Sentences.

3. reports on how Christian support groups and churches are influential in helping people overcome addictions.

4.  Are you drawn to photography? Carol J. Garvin posts many of her pictures.

5.  Vicki Hinze guest posts on Elaine Stock's blog. She talks about those times when you don't win and why they have significance.

Writers:  How do you find comparable books for your book proposals? Do you read in your genre?

Readers:  Vicki's article about not winning can impact us whether or not we're writers. Have you ever had a situation where someone else needed to win?

Photo Credit:  Colin Adamson

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