Friday, November 20, 2015

Windows 10/Non-Fiction/Love/Turkey/Alphabet

1.  All those with Windows 7 and 8 have been prompted to install Windows 10 for free. Hmm, Microsoft giving away an operating system for free? Here's an article about the move toward having MS peering over your shoulder every time you're on the Internet.

2.  I realize that not all writers are into fiction. The Write Conversation had a post on picking the right story. Items covered:  Does the story I'm using to illustrate a point relate well with my topic? Does the story have the same mood as the rest of my writing? Is the story believable?

3.  Let's face it, in the publishing business marketing is a fact of life. How do we get past our discomfort with it and learn to embrace the process? Kathryn Craft, at Writers in The Storm, talks about how love sells books. Yes, love!

4.  Turkey is the star of Thanksgiving Dinner. Check out their recipes for some mouth-watering ideas.

5.  Marja Meijers, at Fresh Insights On Ancient Truths, is going through a Bible Alphabet. She's up to the letter, "G." 

Non-Fiction Writers: How do pick your topics?

Readers:  Have you downloaded Windows 10? Please share your experience with the browser.

Photo Credit:  Maria Rodrigues


Anonymous said...

Have not downloaded Windows 10 and not sure I will! Thank you for these links. My Thanksgiving is over but I could use a new turkey recipe for Christmas!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Lynn -

I've been debating about whether or not to get Windows 10. If there's some way to get around the negatives, maybe I will. I'll need some techy support on that one. I hope your Thanksgiving was joyful and memorable.

God bless,
Susan :)