Friday, May 22, 2015


1.  Ace Collins guest posts on Everyone's Story and shares the challenges of writing a Dedication. How do you condense a life into one or two short lines?

2.  Whatever you think of homeschooling, this New Jersey couple were subjected to an interrogation and threats that should give all of us pause for consideration.

3.  Betsey Duffy and Laurie Myers guest posted on Seriously Write. They used readers to advise them on the accuracy of their scenes.

4.  K. Douglas Brown guest posts at Blogging Bistro. He gives 3 Lifesaving Tips for Newbie Bloggers. I wish I'd had these when I started out. I'd add one more to his list: learn how to schedule posts. :)

5.  Beth K. Vogt shares a devotional on The Write Conversation. She encourages us to "Be All There."

Writers:  How do you find experts to help you with your works-in-progress?

Readers:  Is there some area of expertise you have that could assist your writer friends? Please share. Maybe I'll consult you in the future. :)

Photo Credit:  michelemik


Linda O'Connell said...

Hi Susan, thank you for the links and information. I seek expert information through blogs like yours and by looking at sidebars of blogger friends who follow other experts. I am always on the lookout. My forte is writing oersonal essays.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Linda -

I'm glad you enjoy the links. Most of us lead busy lives. When I see something I think will benefit my writer/reader friends, I like to share the wealth. :)

God bless,