Friday, January 16, 2015

Backpacks, News, Gifts, Tips, and Questions

1. Do you tap into the invisible, but very real, emotional backpack your characters carry? Robin LeFevers posts on this fascinating subject at Writer Unboxed.  

2.  World Net Daily reports that smuggling Bibles now carries the death penalty in Saudi Arabia. I'll let you draw your own conclusions. In my estimation, this highlights the precious freedom we have and the need to protect it.

3.  Dena Netherton posted about a special gift we can give those around us: The Listening Gift. Although shared just before Christmas, it's something we can offer year round.

4.  Zoe M. McCarthy gives valuable tips on how to ensure a happy book signing.

5.  Karen Lange, at Write Now, asks, "Why do you blog?"

Writers and Readers: If you blog, why do you blog? I blog because I enjoy the interaction with people and have made some strong friendships.

Photo Credit:  marcacrea


quietspirit said...

Susan: I started blogging to get my writing out to people. Along the way, I, too, have met some very interesting friends.

Anonymous said...

That is a very sad story about the Bible Smuggling in Saudi Arabia. I blog currently with the hope of healing, giving hope to others who are on a similar journey through sharing my struggles, and my relationship with God. And, of course, to sharpen and develop my writing muscles!