Friday, January 30, 2015

A Balanced Life?

Okay, so I'm a big fan of The Write Conversation. Edie had so many excellent posts that I decided to feature several from her blog today. I hope you find them as informative and inspiring as I did.

1.  Edie Melson, at The Write Conversation, gives strategies for 2015 for Social Media. Facebook will be making some changes affecting anyone using the site for promotional purposes. It's important to stay informed.

2.  Her Weekend Worship featured a post on The Balanced Life. Who doesn't need some insight into that subject? We often try to control our outward circumstances when balance is an interior thing.

3.  Edie tackles the subject of managing Social Media and a Full-Time Job. Since many of us are in that particular boat, I thought this post might provide some valuable tips.

Writers and Readers:  How do you juggle the many tasks that come your way?

Photo Credit:  dlinny

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