Monday, October 6, 2014

The Spice of Life

While milk is my beverage of choice, I also enjoy a spot of tea from time to time. Growing up, our local grocery store carried basic brands. Today, as with many products, there's a dizzying array of teas. Decisions, decisions.

Someone once said that variety is the spice of life. I like variety, but often get into a rut. Recently, I've tried some new flavors of tea. Green tea - blech. Cross that one off my list! A friend sent me some yummy teas:  Sleepytime Vanilla and Honey Vanilla Chamomile.

If I'm not careful, my writing can get into a rut. Every now and then, I find it helpful to produce something totally different from my work in progress. October 22, 24, and 25th, I'll be guest posting on Shannon Vannatter's blog about my real-life romance. Jotting down these happy memories revved up my creative side and gave me some fresh ideas - like this blog post.

Hmm, what new tea shall I try tonight? Here's a fruit tea sampler. Black Cherry Berry sounds interesting.

Writers:  Do you ever switch it up with your writing? Please share.

Readers: What's your favorite coffee or tea flavor? Have you tried something different lately? Please share.

Photo credit:  ba1969


Linda O'Connell said...

I have a sampler pack of tea, and I prefer peach passion or black cherry. Hazelnut coffee with cream, otherwise I like my coffee weak, half hot water/half coffee.

I find if I don't write I get lazy, but the ideas are still there, so sometimes I write free verse poetry which often evolves into a personal essay. Finding freelance markets is difficult. Have a great week.

Jean Fischer said...

I love any kind of coffee, especially lattes. I make my own at home and experiment with different flavors of syrups. I enjoy green tea and some of the flavored teas, but not black tea.

Freelance creates loads of variety for my writing. It's one of the reasons that I enjoy work-for-hire projects.

quietspirit said...

I try to write as I am led. The hard part is to not sound boring.

I have to drink herb teas. I like just about all of them. I really like Earl Grey, Camomile,and Apple. I have some Pumpkin Spice a friend of mine gave me. I recently bought some Bedtime tea.

D. U. Okonkwo said...

Being a Brit I love my tea :) And I find that green tea works really well for me when I'm writing. I don't drink coffee, but herbal tea, like green tea, or hot water with a slice of lemon is lovely.

Susan said...

Hi Susan...

I have found hibiscus tea to be quite pleasant and raspberry is also a fave. My favorite company is Celestial Seasonings.

Thanks so much for stopping by the other day. Always a delight to see you.

I love writing in my Gratitude Journal in addition to blogging and writing feature stories for a weekly newspaper. Writing is so wonderful, isn't it? Susan

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Susan .. I had a Christmas selection of teas .. and those gave off an amazing aroma of Christmas cake spices - the flat smelt wonderful.

I got hooked into rosehip and hibiscus ... delicious, red coloured with a touch of sharpness ..

Cheers and enjoy your flavours - Hilary