Friday, June 20, 2014

Digging for Gems

1.  Dr. MaryAnn Diorio talks about combining prose and passion. Get into the character's head, but also into their heart.

2. Laurel Garver, at Laurel's Leaves, has a great post on how to keep your work in progress from stalling during unforeseen life events. I recently went through a week where a family crisis kept me away from the keyboard. Every writer/blogger will benefit from her words of wisdom.

3. Recently, The Chris Pugh Daily picked up and headlined my guest post from Elaine Stock's blog, Everyone's Story, from Twitter. Very exciting stuff!

Writers and Readers: What gems have you discovered on the Net this week?

Photo Credit:  lyana


Diane Estrella said...

I just got back from a Texas vacation so that was my gem of the week! :)

Karen Lange said...

There's always something going on online, isn't there? Congrats on getting the post shared! Happy weekend! :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Susan .. there is so much going on - sometimes we just need to space ourselves and allow the world to wander its course peacefully - and let us 'just be' .. time to think and stop and smell the beautiful summer flowers ..

Love the gems and yes I did learn some more about diamonds this week - but for now I'll leave and write about them sometime ..

Cheers Hilary