What a magnificent rendition! A choir I was in many years ago sang the entire 'Messiah' and I can't listen to any of it without mouthing the words right along with the singers. Of course I can't reach many of those high notes anymore. LOL! Thanks for sharing this. It's wonderful!
Oh, yea! We get to sing this on Sunday. My husband and I are doing something new together--we've joined choir. We just gave the annual Christmas cantata, and Sunday we celebrate Christmas with the Hallelujah Chorus.
Music calms. Thank you!
Hi Linda -
I totally agree.
Merry Christmas,
Susan :)
I always get goosebumps when I hear this! :)
Hi Karen -
I cried through the entire thing!
Susan :)
That was so glorious. I can't get enough of it.
We were able to hear a local version that my daughter-in-law was in. It's amazing to hear it in person. Wonderful.
What a magnificent rendition! A choir I was in many years ago sang the entire 'Messiah' and I can't listen to any of it without mouthing the words right along with the singers. Of course I can't reach many of those high notes anymore. LOL! Thanks for sharing this. It's wonderful!
Crying... such beautiful words, such beautiful voices.
And glad to see my fellow country man Andre Rieu :)
Hi Marja -
It had the same effect on me.
Oh, yea! We get to sing this on Sunday. My husband and I are doing something new together--we've joined choir. We just gave the annual Christmas cantata, and Sunday we celebrate Christmas with the Hallelujah Chorus.
Music is so powerful!
It's so nice to hear the Chorus sung at such a rousing tempo. Love those tenors!
I love it and I could just feel this too.
Wonderful! Inspired! Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed Christmas,
Hi Chatty - One thing that touched me was when so many people stood during the performance.
Hi Jen - Merry Christmas!
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