Monday, December 3, 2012

Lean Into The Task

I'm my own worst enemy. Procrastination, excuses, passive resistance add up to unfinished business. It takes a quality decision to move ahead whether I feel like it or not.

This week, I've leaned into the tasks instead of allowing them to bury me. I've chopped away at each one until I could cross them off my famous (or infamous) lists.

And you know something? I'm now free to do the fun stuff without all the grunt work hanging over my head.

Writers: What aspects of writing must you "lean into?"

Readers: What jobs around the house make you want to hide under the covers?


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Susan - well done .. this is my lean to week and I've a few lean tos to lean against - still never daunted and get it done, finally!

Cheers and have a good lean to week in the coming days .. Hilary

Jessica Nelson said...

My first draft is often difficult for me.
And I avoid dusting. lol

Wendy Paine Miller said...

First edits are usually what I need to lean into...b/c there's usually a big mess to clean up.
~ Wendy

Karen Lange said...

I'm the same way! I sabotage my progress quite often. Getting better though, and feeling more productive. Also trying not to stress as much when things come up and I must get off track.

Happy Monday,

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Sitting down and actually writing the first draft, even the first sentence... it must be how a chicken feels who needs to produce an egg.
After that, it's get easier :)

Cindy R. Wilson said...

I must lean into writing my first draft. With so much else going on, that's usually the hardest task for me.

Rhonda Schrock said...

Often, I find that if I just get started, the job isn't either as big or as hard as I'd built it up in my mind. And I like to operate with lists, too, Susan!

Good advice, lean in. :)

Nancy said...

As a writer, just about anything can cause procrastination. Once I start, I enjoy it immensely.

I don't like cleaning, but I love to keep things in order. Unfortunately, I need some more days to do this.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Hilary - I managed to "lean into" the task of wrapping Christmas gifts. I'm almost done!

Hi Jess - I don't like edits, but know they're necessary. On the housework front, it takes a lot of effort because my energy levels are not what they used to be.

Hi Wendy - I can relate to the big mess of first edits. Perhaps fortifying yourself with some chocolate would help. :)

Hi Karen - I'm adopting the Nike saying: Just Do It!

Hi Marja - Yes, just sitting down and starting is half the battle.

Hi Cindy - I love first drafts, but those edits make me shudder.

Hi Rhonda - Great point! The longer I procrastinate, the bigger the job gets in my mind.

Hi Nancy - I think we all have trouble getting our seat in the chair. One thing I'm going to enjoy about heaven? No cleaning!

Susan :)

Dorothy said...

I find external pressures derail my motivation to write. But once I push through, I rediscover the flow.
I didn't have the desire to write blog posts yesterday (had to do 2) but a photo on facebook inspired one and that set things in motion for me.
Dotti :)

JD said...

Hi, Susan:

I'm a list-maker, too. ;-)

I've learned to break down my to-do list into bite-sized chunks to make progress easier to see in the distance. Also, I block off time at the end of the day to get things done. Doesn't always work, but I strive to get as much done as I can in a day. Like Karen, I try not to get stressed out when things pop up and I have to step away from my to-do list!

Enjoy the rest of your week...

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Dotti -External pressures - yeah, there are plenty of those to go around!

Hi Janette - I actually did a post on breaking my big list into smaller ones. :)


DenaNetherton said...

Starting a book is my "leaning into" chore. I feel overwhelmed by the task before me. Once I start and complete the first chapter, I'm okay.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Dena -

Yes, getting started can be daunting. I often feel the same way.

Susan :)