Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Round-Up - #217

Ane Mulligan, at Novel Rocket, shares her experience as a critique partner.

Writers: What do you value most about your critique partners?

Readers: Have you ever written to an author and given them either positive or negative feedback (nicely, I hope)?

Have a blessed weekend!


Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Susan, enjoy your weekend, thanks for the Friday round-up... you passed the 200 number, I must have missed a few :)
And yes, I receive many requests to critique people's work (here in Holland that is part of my business). I love doing it, pointing out the strong elements and making suggestions to improve the manuscript!

Karen Lange said...

Thanks for the link. I'll have to check it out. A critique partner offers another perspective, and I appreciate this because no matter how good it sounds in my head, it might not translate as well onto paper. :)

Happy weekend,

Rhonda Schrock said...

I don't have a critique partner, Susan. Do you? And how's the joint manuscript coming along with the lovely Karen L? :)

Thinking of you.

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

I belong to a writer's group that has been meeting for over 20 years. When we started no one was published. Five of us are published now. I value their feedback.

JD said...

I value my critique partner's candor. (My ego doesn't, but I do!) When my partner thinks I can do better, he tells me so kindly but plainly. I appreciate his support and perspective.

Enjoy your week!


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Everyone -

Please forgive the en masse answer. I had a super busy week and weekend.

Critique partners have improved my writing and thus my chances of acceptance. I wouldn't think of submitting a piece without running it by them first.

Susan :)