Monday, September 10, 2012

Counting The Cost

When a young person decides to pursue a career in medicine, there's much to consider. How will this endeavor be financed? Do they have the self-discipline necessary to finish the course? Do they know what's involved or have they romanticized their dreams?

We've talked about dreams before, but are we willing to pay the price? We hear about the sacrifices people make to reach their goals.

Are we willing to:

1) Learn the mechanics of writing?

2) Invest the time and money necessary?

3) Have the determination and grit to push past discouragement and setbacks?

4) Endure the comments of those who don't understand our calling?

5)  Discern when to make changes and when to stand our ground?

Writers: What crisis moments have you been through to reach your present writing level?

Readers: What areas of your life have tested your commitments?

Photo credit: onetwo


Wendy Paine Miller said...

I just endured one heck of a summer. Lots of spiritual tests and trials. It pushed me to figure out how badly I want this.

~ Wendy

Karen Lange said...

Excellent questions. I think it helps to consider the cost - the ups and downs of the writing life. As for me, I am sticking with it. :)


Jessica Nelson said...

I've had some family situations going on and that has gotten in the way of writing. Whew.
Good questions and points, Susan.

Nancy said...

I also like the question. I am afraid that I have decided not to invest the time in writing a book right now. I'm not saying never, but not right now. My plate is full and I'm enjoying the goodies.

Loree Huebner said...

I work full time and write...I'm pushing myself to the limit at times.

There are days when I think I can't do it anymore, but then I have a great writing session and know that I'm a writer.

I feel God put it on my heart, and I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I go to Him for strength.

Rhonda Schrock said...

Goodness. Too many to list, and most of them have nothing to do with the writing. But all of them impact the writing, if that makes sense. :)

Sarah Forgrave said...

Oh boy, lots and lots of sacrifices. I love the comparison to the field of medicine, Susan. Now if only the salaries were comparable.... :)

Melanie N. Brasher said...

I think #1 & #2 are really important for me right now. I want to learn as much as I can, and I'm realizing this is going to be a long journey. I'm with Karen!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Wendy - I can relate. A friend of mine once said, "It's like pushing a Mack truck up a hill with its brakes on."

Hi Karen - Good for you! So am I, but I think I need to re-apply the Krazy Glue.

Hi Jess - I remember when my late husband was diagnosed with leukemia. I didn't write for almost a year.

Hi Nancy - Those grandkids won't stay kids forever. Enjoy!

Hi Loree - Going to Him for strength is the best solution.

Hi Rhonda - Yes, it makes sense. The other comments prove it.

Hi Sarah - LOL! The competition would get even stiffer if the salaries were comparable.

Hi Melanie - I think most of us come to the realization it's a long journey. Very few have instant success.

Susan :)

Unknown said...

Good questions to consider Susan. Goal setting is such an important part of the writer's solitary career. After goals are set, it's time to follow through one day at a time. Today I'm following through! Have a blessed week. Hugs!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Maria -

Good for you!

Susan :)

Dorothy said...

Great questions, Susan. For me it's dealing with discouragement and setbacks. Not always writing related, but the general, garden variety discouragements of life. I've lost far too much writing time letting these trip me into pity party mode. But I'm learning to leave them at the door when I sit to write. I guess every writer learns this lesson... took me a little longer.
Dotti :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Susan - be patient if we believe in something, but keeping occupied and learning all the time.

That thirst for knowledge of any description .. keeping the brain active, giving it stimulii to keep feeding itself.

I think parents have a responsibility to bring their kids up with a good basic education and common sense, as well as general politeness, responsibility etc etc ... then that child as it grows older has a firm foundation to stand on and develop their own lives. And we can make sensible decisions for ourselves ..

cheers Hilary

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Dotti - I've had my share of setbacks both in writing and life. I keep going back to the original vision for my writing. It's all about focus for me.

Hi Hilary - Being patient is a requirement for just about everything in life. I'm getting plenty of opportunities to exercise that virtue.

Susan :)

Jean Fischer said...

Susan, my commitment to writing was tested when I worked full time as a creative manager for a publisher. The business side of publishing took up so much of my time and effort that I felt I had lost my talent to write. I almost quit the publishing industry. I'm grateful now that I didn't.


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jean -

Thanks for sharing your experience.

We can't always see where our current position will benefit us in the future. I'm glad we have the One, who orders our steps.

Susan :)