Am I pushing too hard and too fast with my writing journey? Churn out that article, write that book, dash off a devotional, query that agent, friend that editor on Facebook. Someone hits the stopwatch (God?). I take a deep breath, look around, and get my bearings.
Recently, I stopped blogging at Susie's Sandbox. It was fun, but didn't move me forward on the writing path. I need that time for other pursuits.
So many things interest, intrigue, and beckon me, but I now consider how much time they'll require. Once I have an estimate, I double it. I know myself. If I'm going to do something, it will be done right.
I choose what is best over what is good. With the New Year at hand, a serious look at all the activities we've taken on and how they affect our goals is in order.
How about you? Do you stop long enough to measure your progress?
My computer hates me.
I definitely try to! That's so important!
Hi Britt -
I hope not! They're an essential piece of a writer's equipment.
Susan :)
Hi Kristen -
I'm still searching for ways to maximize my Internet time. I could stay on here 24/7.
Susan :)
Oh how glad am I that I finally learned how to slow down, turn off the volume on life, and absorb the beauty of silence & serenity. Sometimes I have to be very intentional, as it's so easy to forget these things.
I probably stop for too long! LOL But I get what you're saying here and hope I'll use my time wisely. :-)
My computer has been grouching at me lately too. I'm with you, there are tons of things I'd like to do, but I need to focus on what I can realistically get to, and what I'm really called to do. I think I need a new focus for 2011. :)
Karen :)
I'm with Jessica!! I think I stop too long and then getting back in the saddle sometimes leaves for a painful ride :)
You raise some good points. I certainly do get caught up in looking down the road at where I want to go. It's my husband who stops me now and then and says, "But look how far you've come and how fast!"
Balance really is key. It's so easy to get off balance in my rush to achieve.
Thank you, dear girl.
Waving and smiling,
Hi Kathleen -
That's the key - being intentional. It won't happen by itself. We decide how much time we give to each area of our lives.
Merry Christmas,
Susan :)
Hi Jess -
It's been a great temptation to stop, but I love writing and the blogosphere. God hasn't changed His instructions, so I keep going at a measured pace.
Susan :)
Yes we must stop to measure our progress. That is a great idea. If I didn't do that, I'd have my head spinning, not knowing what was up and what was down.
Hi Karen -
I must take a hard look at everything and manage my time better. Hmm, didn't I say that last year?
Susan :)
Hi Jaime -
I guess it's like skipping exercise for too long. How come it takes so long to establish a good habit and so little time to break it?
Susan :)
Hi Rhonda -
Ah, you're so right! When we rush, it's easy to fall flat on our faces. In real life or in the writing life, it isn't pretty.
Susan :)
Hi Nancy -
Call it being deliberate, intentional, whatever, but taking stock and checking our progress is a good idea.
Susan :)
I sometimes have the opposite problem. I stop too long to take stock and measure my progress. When I don't stay focused on my work, I'm led to procrastinate.
I have had to make writing a priority right now because I am wanting to do the best I can with this book.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas Susan. I love that you are part of my blogging world:))
Blogging around the globe has definitely taken a back seat lately. I just don't have the time to keep up with so many. I want to try to schedule my blog hopping to one day a week. Don't know if that will help or not.
Hi Jean -
I'm learning to slow down and focus. I do fight the opposite extreme of losing momentum. Getting that balanced is a tricky business.
Merry Christmas,
Susan :)
Hi Terri -
You and I are in the same boat. I need to be a good steward of my time.
Aww, thanks! I'm so happy we met in the blogosphere.
Merry Christmas,
Susan :)
Hi Carol -
There are so many wonderful blogs out there. I try to keep up, but I don't always succeed.
I schedule my posts, so maybe scheduling blogging time would help me be more efficient.
Merry Christmas,
Susan :)
I love how the changing of years presses us to consider what we would like to achieve as a new year comes into view. In Australia, the new school year begins in early February when the summer holidays end, and everyone's slate is clean and poised for exciting new things.
Dorothy :)
Hi Dorothy -
Thanks for stopping by!
Yes, there's something about a brand new year that makes us ready for change. We're starting winter in the U.S. With less summer activities distracting me, I find I'm more productive. :)
Merry Christmas,
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