Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Preacher's Wife & The Newspaper - Virtual Luncheon - Part 4

Jen buttered a roll and nodded. "Spiritual themes? That's a great question. Because my column is on the religious page and I'm a preacher's wife, I talk about Jesus, use Bible verses, and share my faith all I want. I'm glad I live in a small town where talking about the Lord in the local paper is not frowned upon.

"Most of the people who read my column are already believers. I still keep in mind a small part of my audience may not know Jesus, but enjoy humorous stories.

"One friend, who is not a Christian, reads my column on a regular basis because she likes the way I write. Now, that's a high compliment! I hope and pray I am planting seeds in her life. I copy my columns and mail them to friends and relatives, some of whom aren't Christians, so I'm also getting the message out that way.

"Are you ordering dessert? Let's get something and share it, okay? Better yet, let's order three desserts and each of us share with the other two!"

I hold up both hands, "I surrender. You guys are wrecking my diet today. I'll have to spend the entire week at the gym.

"Rhonda, don't think I forgot about you. I want to know if your newspaper permits you to speak freely about your faith." be continued.

Questions for the Reader: How can we share our faith in a general market setting? Have you had any success in this area?


Jessica Nelson said...

Hmmm, good question. I think people admire a strong faith when it's backed up by honesty. Non-christians don't have any trouble spotting a fake, so I guess I just try to be my real self. If you mean through media, I have no clue...
Merry Christmas Susan!

Short Poems said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family Susan!

Rhonda Schrock said...

You go, Jen! God is certainly using you.

Jill Kemerer said...

Well, maybe this isn't the general market, but I think living as Christians is powerful. Letting the person with a few items in front of you at the grocery store shows kindness.

Have a very Merry Christmas!

Jeanette Levellie said...

Sometimes I don't tell people I'm a PW: they put up barriers if they think I expect them to act a certain way.

As to writing for the general market, I agree with Jessica: people admire honesty and candor.

Thanks for hosting this lunch, Suze!

Merry Christmas,

Karen Lange said...

I attended a conference where Roger Palms (former editor of Decision Magazine) spoke on ways to share. He used the example of a local paper that might not be crazy about you sharing your faith. He suggested that you to interview people who were Christians or do an article about a ministry.

quietspirit said...

Susan and Jeanette:
It is hard to present Christ to a non-believer. But, it can be done. Hubby and I eat out alot. We always have grace before we eat.
During the Advent season, I try to tell the clerks in the stores "Merry Christmas."

I try to be on my best behavior when I am in stores. The workers pick up on whether you smile or grouse about things.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jess -

I agree. Authenticity is critical to our writing.

I haven't done any general market writing either unless you count a submission to Women's World Magazine. (I garnered a rejection for that one.)

Merry Christmas,
Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Short Poems -

Thank you, and welcome to my blog! I post here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

I'll pop over to your place in a bit. :)

Merry Christmas,

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Rhonda -

Jen's humor cracks me up. I never get tired of reading her work. :)

Merry Christmas,

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jill -

Your point is well taken. I believe before we can write for the general market we have to live out the Christian life among non-believers.

Merry Christmas,
Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jen -

You're so right! Being an ordinary person goes a looong way toward opening doors.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Karen -

Excellent suggestion! There are ways to get around touchy subjects.

Merry Christmas,
Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Quiet Spirit -

Great suggestions!

You reminded me of a story. A relative worked in the restaurant industry for awhile. A big turn off to the servers was a tract combined with a lousy tip. If we want their attention, bless them!

Merry Christmas,
Susan :)