Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Round-Up - #127

My thanks to Sandra Heska King for this beautiful award. Sandy shares her poems and observations on life. I hope you'll visit her blog.

I'm passing this along to Nancy, of Boomers and Saints. Her blog is a regular stop on my rounds. I'm glad to count her as a friend and fellow-blogger.

Rita Gerlach, at InSpire, shares about connecting with readers on an emotional level.

How do you build connections between your characters and the reader?

Have a super weekend!


Katie Ganshert said...

Congrats Susan! It's very well-deserved!

Wendy Paine Miller said...

Yeah for the award and I'll have to check out some new sites.

Build connections. Hmm. I try to make them as realistic as possible, with flaws and strengths and b/c I write women's fiction, I think a lot about issues that women deal with.
~ Wendy

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Katie -

Thanks! :)


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Wendy -

I'll be doing an interview with a Women's Fiction author in about a month. Perhaps you'll find it helpful. :)


Jeanette Levellie said...

Congrats to one beautiful lady and blogger! You earned it, dear.

I hope I connect to my readers by making them laugh, then think.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jen -

Thanks. You are an expert at using humor. I love your writing. :)


Sandra Heska King said...

Awww, Susan. Thanks for the shoutout. You are such an encourager and just one lovely lady!

Jan Cline said...

Connectng my characters with the readers is probably my biggest insecurity about my writing. I look forward to the interview to get some tips.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Sandy -

Thank you for the award. :)


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jan -

Part I of the interview is tentatively scheduled to run 11/10/10. I can't reveal the author's name as details have not yet been finalized. :)


Toyin O. said...

Congrats on the award.

Nancy said...

Sandra's poem was very thought provoking. I hope I am not a blur in my haste to get things done.

Thank you for such a nice award. You are a dear and helpful friend that I value very much.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Toyin -

Thanks for visiting and commenting. I post here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Nancy -

I'm glad we met. You deserve the award, and I hope others will visit your blog. :)


Jessica Nelson said...

Very pretty award. :-) I think you def. deserve it!

I try to make my characters empathetic with some kind of flaw/insecurity/problem that is universal. :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jess -

Ooo, I like that - a universal flaw.

Susan :)