Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Round-Up - #126

Megan DiMaria talks about how to find a photographer for those important professional pictures. Have you used a photographer? How did you find someone, who met your requirements?

Megan DiMaria continues with her series on professional pictures. Here she discusses preparing for your portrait session.

Do you prefer a formal or casual picture for your website/blog?

Have a great weekend!


Jeanette Levellie said...

Thanks for these links, Susan.

I see-saw between formal and casual looks. I want my readers to take me seriously, but I also brim with nuttiness, and try to be down to earth. I have Mercedez Benz and Flintstone pedal-pusher tastes. Maybe I need two photos--one for each look!

Have a great weekend,

Sandra Heska King said...

Last year my then 7-year-old granddaughter took my picture! Now we have a one-day-to-be-member-of-the-family who is a photographer. And I have a bossy daughter who helps him. "Fix that hair. Your makeup is too pale. I will fix it. Turn that chain around."

I kind of like the casual nature look. :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jen -

You're welcome! I like your solution: go for both looks.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Sandra -

LOL! I wish I had a photographer in the family. :)


Terri Tiffany said...

I dread getting an updated photo taken when needed. I would probably go casual:)

Nancy said...

Those are great ideas for having a portrait done. I would have never thought of drinking more water beforehand.

I enjoy the very casual picture on my blog. If I ever got a professional one, I'd want to revies this list. Thanks.

Jean Fischer said...

Good post, Susan. My most recent photo session was last fall. I hate having my picture taken and was nervous, but the photographer put me at ease. I found it helpful to bring along copies of some author photos that I like.


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Terri -

I get nervous about having a picture taken. Getting the hair and make-up right is a challenge.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Nancy -

The water tip also surprised me. It would probably be a good idea to bookmark this article for future reference.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jean -

Great idea! I'll have to gather some author photos I like.

Susan :)