Why not take your favorite posts and put them in a binder? I'm not sure how to back-up my blog, so this would be an ideal solution for me. Have you made copies of your blog in the event Blogger wipes it out?
Author, Janalynn Voight, at Author Haven, advises us on how to accomplish our goals.
Have an awesome weekend!
Susan, if you find out how to back up a blog, would you let me know? Right now I'm thinking I'd have to copy and paste every single post.
Thanks for the links and I hope you have a nice weekend!
Thanks for info! I often thought of doing a blog book!
Hey, Susan! I haven't, but this is a great idea! Thanks for pointing it out!
Funny how we rely on others to always be there for us. Guess it's time for me to learn to back up my blog :)
Thanks for the tip.
Have a great weekend,
Hi Susan,
Very good advice. As a matter of fact, on my flight home this week, the passenger next to me is a big internet consultant and he suggested this very thing--printing out each blog post, and perhaps even putting statistics on it, like how many new followers we got for that post, or comments, etc. It might be a way to help us keep track of what was most interesting. Not sure if I'll do it, but is a good suggestion!
Thanks for the links! I should check into this, for most of my blog content is not backed up. Am I a slacker or what? :)
Thanks and blessings,
Hi Jess -
Great question. I'll see what I can find. I also need to back up my blog. Mine is not backed up at all. Shudder.
Anyone out there have an answer to this question? Feel free to chime in.
Susan :)
Hi Donna -
I thought it was a neat idea. If you didn't want to go through this, I guess you could copy/paste into Word and print it out. Put it in a nice binder, and you have your own blog book.
Susan :)
Hi Kristen -
You're welcome. :)
Hi Carol -
I hope you're also backing up your writing files. Mine are on CD's - I know - old tech, but you have to start somewhere. :)
Hi Jody -
LOL! The guy has good ideas, but they make my eyes glaze over. I don't have time to do indepth analysis of over 300 posts.
Susan :)
Hi Karen -
No, you're not a slacker. There's so much to do that we don't always think of backing up a blog.
When I consider all the hard work that went into my blog, it makes sense to find a way to back it up.
Susan :)
Great idea, Susan! Thanks for the info! Have a fantastic weekend! God bless!
Hi Maria -
You're welcome. Have a great weekend.
Susan :)
That's a great idea about backing up your blog. I think I'm going to have to start copying my posts onto Word and printing them out.
Hi Cindy -
I'm wondering if it's possible to print out the Preview page in Blogger. It would save a lot of time and effort. I'll have to try it.
Susan :)
I have been planning to do the blog thing--blog2print I think it is but I have almost 4 years to print! That adds up but I want it done for my Christmas present next year!
Hi Terri -
Great idea! Put it on your Christmas list. :)
Hi, Susan.
I back up all my files with a USB flash drive, but I found a link recently that tells how to easily back up your blog if you use blogger:
I haven't tried it yet, but it looks simple.
Hi Jean -
I'm going to try this tonight. Thanks for the link.
Susan :)
This reminds me that I NEED to back up my blog. I never have either and I'd seriously be really sad if I lost it somehow!
What a great idea! I'll have to check this out!
Hi Katie -
I have a special post coming out tomorrow on the subject. It will give you a link for directions.
Susan :)
Hi Sherrinda -
If you checked the comments, you'll see discussion about backing up a blog. I have a special post coming out tomorrow on the subject.
Susan :)
I put my blogs into a word document and save them on a USB memory stick. I also have a file on my desktop call "blog".
Hi Quiet Spirit -
Good points. We should not only back up our blogs on the hard drive, but also on an external USB flash drive or CD.
Susan :)
Wow, what a great idea to put a few favorite blog articles into a book. And it's free too!!! I'm lovin' that!
Hi Sharon -
If you use the company in my post, there is a cost. However, if you do it on your own by putting it in a binder, you only pay for materials. Of course, it's not as pretty as putting it into a regular book format. :)
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