Christina nails this story with characters so real you'll expect to bump into them at church. In spite of staggering revelations and bizarre twists, Denise Littleton, manages to overcome her fears of further hurt and trust God with her life. Craig Littleton recovers from a life-threatening accident with no memory of his family or his past. Together, they seek the truth and try to resurrect their dead marriage.
Well written, emotion laden, and a powerful climax, The Familiar Stranger is the must-read book of the season.
I've been hearing it's really good too!
Hi Jess -
My Mom started the book yesterday, and she's already half way through. LOL! Totally hooked.
I also finished it in record time. Christina's writing is excellent.
Susan :)
Susan, I feel like I have discovered this wonderful treasure chest in your blog here and I can't wait to dig in. What am amazing blog. Thank you.
Yet another glowing endorsement. This book is jumping to the top of the want-to-read list. Thanks for the insight.
Hi Susan, Will have to look into this one. It sounds great - thanks for sharing:) Blessings!
Hi Judy -
What a nice thing to say! Thank you. If you're up to some digging, check out the archives. :)
Hi Candee -
I enjoyed this book so much! Hope you'll pick it up and experience the story for yourself. :)
Hi Karen -
I think you'd like it a lot. :)
I really wish I could read faster. There are so many great books being pumped out there, but I just don't have the time to read them all. I really wish I did!!!
Susan: This sounds so great! I love twists and turns and happy endings.
I'm hosting Christina on my blog on the 21st, as part of her blog tour.
You amaze me! How many books a week do you read?
Hi Eileen -
I'm with you. When I first started blogging, I was reading a book a week. It has now stretched out to a week and a half or more.
Many times I stare at the book on my nightstand and wish for more hours in the day.
Susan :)
Hi Jen -
I read about one every week and a half. I try for one a week, but it's become almost impossible.
Susan :)
Susan's blog is always fantastic and I'm thrilled to be on it. Not to mention being over the moon about "must-read book of the season" ... :D
Hi Christina -
Thanks for stopping by. It's easy to use a superlative when the writing is so good. :)
I met Christina at the ACFW conference and she is the sweetest lady. Her book sold out at the conference before I had a chance to buy it, but I'll be sure to look for it at the bookstore. I'm so glad to see Christina's novel featured on your blog. I've heard it's really good. :-)
Hi Sharon -
I'm so glad to hear Christina's book sold out at ACFW! That little detail escaped my notice.
Susan :)
I've been hearing a good thing about this book for quite sometimes :)
Hi Mariska -
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I post here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Both my Mom and I read the book and loved it.
Susan :)
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