Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Friday's Round-Up on Wednesday - #71

No, you didn't make a mistake. It's really Wednesday, not Friday. Since I signed up for Christina Berry's Blog Tour, Friday will be devoted to her interview. So, I moved the Friday Round-Up to Wednesday just for this week.

Kathryn Lang, over at Successful Freelance Writer, talks about how to avoid making stupid mistakes when submitting our work to editors and agents. Do you have any horror stories about submission faux pas?

Writers' Digest 2009 list of the Best Websites for Writers is out. This is a great resource.

Definition time! Patti Lacy, over at Inkwell Inspirations, defines the acronym, "TSTL," for all of us. She explains why some characters are "too stupid to live." Do you have any of these in your manuscript?

Enjoy the remainder of the week! See you on Friday. :)


Jaime Wright said...

I DO have characters TSTL!! that's why they're not in my manuscript anymore! LOL

Cindy R. Wilson said...

That's too back. I wish it was Friday! :D

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jaime -

On occasion, I've read books that totally frustrated and annoyed me. I now recognize it was because the characters were TSTL. LOL!

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Cindy -

Sorry to raise your hopes and then dash them. :)


Jill Kemerer said...

I hope I don't have any characters that are TSTL, but if I do, I'd say they were secondaries! Thanks for sharing the best websites link.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jill -

We've all seen these characters in the movies, on TV, in books, etc. Could it be they populate these genres because we occasionally meet them in real life?

Now there's an interesting question.

Susan :)

Heather Sunseri said...

TSTL, huh? I hope I don't have any of those characters. I did in my first MS. I don't like acronyms, but I love that one.

And I've been wanting to check out WD's list of writer's websites.

Happy Wednesday!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Heather -

Acronyms aren't my thing either, although I do use a few here and there. This one stuck in my head, so I passed it along. :)


Rosslyn Elliott said...

Oh, I have some humdingers with submission stories, but they are so embarrassing that I am saving them up for a rainy day...

The worst times are when *I* have acted TSTL. LOL!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Rosslyn -

Ah, I call it the "desperation post." It's the one you save when you can't think of anything to write.

I could talk about a few times when I've acted TSTL. Thankfully, the Lord had mercy and protected me.

Susan :)

Unknown said...

Dear Susan, I am new to your blog, I am again one of these many aspiring writers who just can not stop dreaming...worst the English is my second /third/language I speak, now regularly as I settled in Australia.
Maybe you can have a look in some of my writings and let me know what you think:

Kathryn Lang said...

Hey there - I was just dropping by for a visit when I noticed the mention - thanks for that.

I am not going to thank your for sending me into a brief panic as I tried to remember what day it actually was! :D

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Kathryn -

Oh dear, you're the second person I scared. Sorry about that.

Thank you for all the great insights. I just pass them along. :)


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Bittersweat Beata -

Thank you for becoming a follower. I have a friend here in the States that came from Australia.

I visited your blog and found it quite interesting. Unfortunately, the comment format is one that I cannot use. I can only comment on blogs with a pop-up window.

If you wish, you may email me at susanjreinhardt (at) gmail (dot) com.

Susan :)