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Get out the old scrub brush, and get rid of those cliches! This site has a free demo. If you find it useful, let us know. The program can be purchased for a relatively small fee.
Have a great weekend!
Cliches. They're the bane of my existence. (told you, lol)
I hope you and your mom had a relaxing time away. :-)
Great links, Susan! I like the picture of scrubbing our manuscripts! Sometimes we need to scrub hard!
Love the pics and post!
Hi Jess -
I have to watch out for cliched stories, as well as the one liners. A stale illustration signals an unoriginal manuscript or talk.
Thanks. We had a great time.
Susan :)
Hi Jody -
LOL! I guess I have my kitchen floor on the brain. It requires a scrub brush.
Susan :)
Hi Donna -
Thanks! I hope there's something you can use.
Susan :)
My old creative writing professor used to say: "avoid cliches like the plague." Ha!
Have a great weekend!
Cliches like to lurk in first drafts and need a good scrubbing to reveal the creativity they hide. Is this why they call it "polishing" a manuscript?
Kristen -
LOL! Easier said than done - oops! There I go again. I'll bet we could think of a dozen cliches without pausing for ten seconds.
Hi Candee -
A first draft is like a pot covered in caked on food and grease. It takes a lot of scrubbing for it to shine. Cliches are one of the spots covering the hidden beauty of the pan.
Susan :)
Thanks for the links, Susan. I can use help in all these areas.
Hi Eileen -
Great! I'm so glad these links are helping you.
Susan :)
I am guilty of cliches too :(( Have a good weekend!
Hi Terri -
At the Philly conference, one of the cliches they highlighted: "She tucked a strand of blonde hair..."
I guess everyone uses this to show if their character is blonde, a redhead or whatever.
Susan :)
Hi Susan,
Thanks for the reminder to "trim" our writing. I have a penchant for elaborating a bit too much :). Thanks also for your encouraging comment on my last blog post.
God bless!
Hi Becky -
You're welcome.
I'm glad the link helped you. We writers tend to go a bit crazy with all the words at our disposal. :)
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