Friday, April 3, 2020

Quirky/Too Old?/Abortion Funding/Risks/Breakfast Recipe

Old couple

1.  Jodie Wolfe writes about creating quirky characters at the Seriously Write blog. I can relate since one of my characters in The Moses Conspiracy had an interesting physical trait - his ears would turn red when he was angry.

2.  Do you think you're too old to write? Jean Fischer shares her thoughts on the subject at her blog, "Something to Write Home About."

3. With so much bad news in the media, the fact that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld President Trump's Title X rule change encouraged me. Under this ruling, abortion providers must separate their family planning/birth control services from their abortion services. Check out this article at Breaking Christian News.

4. Bonnie Leon talks about, "Taking Risks." Check out her blog here.

5.  Are you tired of being stuck at home because of the Corona Virus? Here's a yummy breakfast recipe from Averie Cooks to brighten your morning.

Writers:  How has the Corona Virus pandemic affected your writing?

Readers:  Since so many activities have been restricted, are you reading more books? How many?

Photo Credit:  Pierre Amerlynck


Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Susan, I hope you are doing well. Yes, I am reading more, although I am still going to work, I make fewer hours. I have been writing a lot and finishing up projects that were on my desk for a long time. yes, a brand new book, some other language editions, e-books, etc. So, I am determined there will be no wasted time, it will be a productive year. Thanks for your post, enjoyable as always.

Jean Fischer said...

Thanks for linking to my blog post, Susan!
My clients and I are working from home. Not much has changed for me during the pandemic, but it's a learning curve for my clients as they transition from working together in their offices to communicating with each other via Zoom, etc. from their home offices.
Stay well!