Friday, October 18, 2019

Agents/Scents/Right to Know Law/Devo/Herbs


1.  Getting an agent is akin to grasping the brass ring. So many publishers require agents to submit manuscripts. Rachel Pieh Jones posted at Jane Friedman's blog about, "What Happened After I Lost My Agent - Twice." This article gives specific suggestions on how to handle rejection, including our attitudes toward our writing and ourselves. (You'll see from our devotional below the tie-in. I needed this, and I'm sure many others do as well.)

2.  Zoe M. McCarthy talks about introducing scents into stories. Her posts always give me great ideas.

3.  WND reports on a judge's ruling that The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania forfeiture records are subject to the Right to Know Law. The government can take - yes, TAKE - property and money even if no criminal charges are filed. This is definitely a must-read article.

4.  Beth K. Vogt posts an encouraging word at The Write Conversation. While it's geared toward writers, the principles apply to everyone. What kind of words are you speaking - strong ones or weak ones?

5.  Winter is fast approaching. You can have fresh herbs by growing them indoors in pots. Check out this post at Easy  Balcony Gardening for instructions.

Writers:  Which writing post resonated with you? Please share.

Readers:  Do you have an indoor garden during the winter (things you'd normally grow outside in good weather)? Please share what types of plants you select. I'm especially interested in saving the beautiful geranium that graced my porch all summer.

Photo Credit: Gerson Ben David

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