Monday, May 20, 2019

On My Nightstand - A Song Unheard by Roseanna M. White

A Song Unheard (Shadows Over England Book #2) by [White, Roseanna M.]

Willa Forsythe loves music and playing the violin. She's also an accomplished thief. When she's given an assignment to locate a key to unlock coded messages, she's ready for the challenge. Others are also looking for the mysterious key and danger stalks her every move.

Lukas De Wilde is a world renowned violinist. Wounded from his narrow escape from German-dominated Brussels, he's frantic to get news of his family. When he meets Willa, she captivates him with her quick mind and phenomenal talent.

Even while drawn to each other, Willa knows they're on a collision course that will doom the relationship. She must steel herself against getting too close or her family could be destroyed.

I can't believe I let this book sit on my To-Be-Read pile for so long, especially after reading the first book in the series (Shadows Over England). Wow! With my limited reading time, I couldn't wait to get back to this story.

Roseanna M. White knows how to create many-layered characters. The conflict and emotion leaps off the page, leaving one breathless for more. There's no way to guess how things will turn out for these two people.

If you haven't already figured it out, I'm giving this book 5 massive stars. This author is fast becoming one of my favorites.

Disclaimer: I purchased this book on Amazon. Neither the author nor the publisher paid me for a favorable review. As always, all opinions are mine  and mine alone.

Writers and Readers:  Who are some of your favorite Christian Fiction authors? Why?

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