Friday, March 23, 2018

Character Voice/Guy's POV/Preemie/Devo/Orchids

1. Writers are always told to use all five senses in their work. This post shows the great resources available on Pinterest. Here's a list of words to describe a character's voice.

2.  Another gem found on Pinterest is from Ink and Quills. Do you novelists have difficulty writing from a guy's POV? Here are some great insights.

3.  Breaking Christian News reports on a viral video, showing a baby born at 24 weeks.

4.  Edie Melson, at The Write Conversation, urges us to Beware How We Talk to Ourselves.

5.  I have a couple of orchid plants. The one has bloomed every year since I received it as a gift. This year, it's not being cooperative, so I did some research. Pinterest to the rescue. :) Check out this article on watering your orchid. Apparently, I've been doing it all wrong.

Writers:  What resources do you use when trying to find the right word to describe some aspect of a character's voice?

Readers:  What types of indoor plants do you have (if any)? Do you have any advice on keeping them blooming?

Photo Credit:  Jenny Kennedy-Olsen

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