Friday, February 16, 2018

Writer/Wow on the Page/Steelers' Shazier/Devo/Dairy Substitutions

1.  Gina Conroy asks, "How Can You Tell If You're a Writer?" This journey takes time, patience, and commitment. If you're struggling with doubt, this article may help you get past it.

2.  Margie Lawson guest posts at Writers in the Storm on, "Putting Wow on the Page." She gives great examples and shows why and how they work.

3.  Breaking Christian News reports on the comeback of Pittsburgh Steelers' Ryan Shazier. He credits God with his recovery, but the media has censored his testimony.

4.  Beth K. Vogt, at The Write Conversation, talks about See The Small Joys. Don't miss this uplifting post.

5.  So many people deal with sensitivity to dairy products (including me). I recently found this Dairy Substitution Guide on Pinterest. Even if you're not lactose intolerant, most likely you know someone who is.

Writers:  Do you ever struggle with writer's doubt? Please share how you deal with it.

Readers:  I was surprised that so many people are lactose intolerant. Where do you go for information on recipes that deal with a variety of food allergies? Please share.

Photo Credit:  David Siqueira

1 comment:

quietspirit said...

Susan: Yes, I sometimes struggle with writer's doubt. I often wonder if I am wasting my time trying to write. But then, I receive a comment from one of my blog readers that blesses me. Other times, I remember Who I am writing for, God gave me this gift and desires that I share it.