Monday, September 18, 2017

I'm Back!

Blogging can drain the life out of you. I've had to rethink how I manage this task.

My buddy, Karen Lange, over at Write Now, gave me some wise advice. (Thank you, Karen!)
Instead of three posts per week, I'm cutting back to two. The Monday posts will be a mix of book reviews, writerly thoughts, and some devotionals. I'll continue sharing links on Friday.

What would you like to see here? After all, this blog is about connecting the dots between writers and readers. Now that's a catchy phrase - connecting the dots between writers and readers. I'll be adding it to my header soon.

I'm looking forward to a fresh start.

Writers and Readers:  What changes have you made in your lives to spark your creativity/interests?

Photo Credit:  Janusz Hylinski

1 comment:

Karen Lange said...

Welcome back, Susan! Thanks for the shout out. Your new schedule sounds great. I enjoy all your features when I hop over. Have a great week! :)