Friday, August 29, 2014

Checking the Internet Shelves

I have lots of bookshelves in my house, but even I have to curate the collection from time to time. On my latest Internet journey, I found some tips I thought you might like.

1.  Zoe McCarthy has some unique ways to make the books on her shelves "earn their keep."

2.  Sandra Ardoin, at Seriously Write, gives tips on booksignings and why they're so valuable.

3.  Edie Melson, at The Write Conversation, gives detailed instructions on how to set up your Google+ profile. Social Media is the place to be for writers and readers alike. Anything that can shorten the learning curve will be worthwhile.

Writers and Readers:  How do you decide what books are keepers and what books you can give away? Do the ones you retain take up space or do you use them in some way? Please share.

Have a blessed week!

Photo Credit:  tradingday


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Susan - thanks they look very interesting posts and things that we need to do and check out ..

Cheers and Happy Labor Day - Hilary

quietspirit said...

Susan: To answer your question: When I started reviewing books,I passed them onto specific individuals at my church. One I saved for our Son. Then the church library needed some newer books. After I read them an write my review review,I bundle them up and take them to our pastoral assistant. I do this because we live in a small house and have little room to keep things.

Raquel Byrnes said...

Hey there! Thanks for the G+ post. I'm going to go and check it out. :)
Edge of Your Seat Stories

Joyce said...

I put a post-it in the books that are not replaceable, i.e. are out of print, if they have sentimental value or are worth re-reading. If they are readily available as e-books they get tossed, with the exceptions of a few favorites and author-signed books.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Hilary - Thanks for stopping by. It's always a pleasure to see you.

Hi Quiet Spirit - Yes, print books do take up a lot of room. Passing them on to a church library is a great idea.

Hi Raquel - Edie is an expert on Social Media. I subscribe to her blog and often pass along the info to my readers.

Hi Joyce - Welcome! Thanks for sharing your experiences.

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