Friday, December 20, 2013

If You Agree to Accept This Mission...

God's love is an endless source of amazement to me. Although He knew Adam and Eve would sin, He still created them and made preparations to rescue mankind.

This plan would require tremendous sacrifice. Instead of walking on streets of gold, the Savior would travel dusty roads. The adoration of angels would be there, but muffled by those seeking to entrap Him with words. Heaven's perfection would give way to suffering humanity.

He had to succeed where Adam failed and fulfill the law as a Spirit-filled man. Jesus would be born free of the curse Adam brought upon us via the virgin birth. A slave can't free a slave. Since the fallen nature is passed down through Adam, God had to be His father.

After they tortured and crucified Him, God raised His sinless Son from the dead after three days. How can anyone doubt God's love? He went to great lengths to obtain forgiveness and new life.

Years ago, I heard an old spiritual that said, "I don't know why Jesus loved me. I don't know why He cared. I don't know why He sacrificed His life. Oh, but I'm glad, so glad He did."

That song often runs through my mind and heart. I can't explain it. I can't understand it, but I'm so grateful God sent His Son.

Photo Credit:  dogmadic


Ginny Hartzler said...

I totally agree!!

Karen Lange said...

i remember that song too! I too, am very glad for His sacrifice.

quietspirit said...

Susan: Hello, this is a special post. We never know why He chose to come to earth and then die for us;we learn to appreciate that He did.

Jeanette Levellie said...

Amazing Love!

Thanks for the reminder of how deeply the Lord loves us. I'm so proud of Jesus for saying "Yes" to the mission.

Happy Christmas, dear friend,

Ruth Schiffmann said...

Beautifully said, Susan! =)