Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Round-Up - #234

Photo Credit: vikush

Beth K. Vogts helps writers understand the art of backstory.

Writers:  How do you handle backstory in your writing? Do you use character charts or write down their past experiences to get to know them/guide you in their reactions to situations?

Readers: How much character history do you like in the books you read?

Have a blessed weekend!


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

HI Susan .. love the image! If I wrote .. I see I'd have to have pages of notes .. so there was no muddle up.

Have a peaceful weekend .. Hilary

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Happy Friday, Hilary!

I selected that graphic because it speaks to me of unusual characters.

As far as backstory is concerned, I dole it out piecemeal. The reader gets the action up front, nothing to pull them out of the story. 30-60 pages worth of solid plot.

Susan :)

Karen Lange said...

I keep some notes as I write, but not as many as I should. :) I follow your method with backstory. You are a good teacher. :)


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Karen -

Occasionally, I'll jot something down that I know I'll need to reference later in the story.

Thanks for the compliment.

Susan :)