Friday, July 27, 2012

On My Kindle - Angel Sister by Ann H. Gabhart

Kate Reece Merritt takes care of everyone: her sisters, her mother, and even her father. Yet when the young teen finds an abandoned child on the church steps, her caregiving moves to a whole new level. Little Lorena Birdsong adores Kate and believes she's an angel.

I loved this sweet story! Ann H. Gabhart captures every nuance in the complicated relationships between family members and townspeople. Her characters draw you in and capture your heart.

If you gravitate toward character-driven fiction, you'll find much satisfaction in this novel. I'm glad I picked up Angel Sister and discovered another author to add to my favorites list.

Writers: Have you written children into your novel? What are some of the steps you take to make them authentic?

Readers: Do you like books that delve into the hearts and minds of characters or do you find them tedious? Why?

Have a blessed weekend, and Happy Birthday to my dear Mom!


Sarah Forgrave said...

I haven't read one of Ann's books yet, but I've heard great things. Thanks for sharing the review, Susan, and have a wonderful weekend!

Wendy Paine Miller said...

As long as I'm enjoying the character, yes, I love delving in.

And I've had my eye on this book. Nice to read a strong review.
~ Wendy

Nancy said...

I do enjoy character-driven novels and I like to delve. So this book looks quite enticing. I put children in a lot of my books. I think that if you are around them, then you know how they talk and even think. Well,most of the time.

Chatty Crone said...

Just thinking and praying for you. Have a good weekend Susan. sandie♥

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Sarah - I think you'd like it a lot.

Hi Wendy - I enjoy characters as long as I can relate to them in some way and there's growth.

Hi Nancy - All of my manuscripts to date have children in them.

Hi Chatty - Aww, thanks! Have a wonderful weekend.

Susan :)

Karen Lange said...

I enjoyed this book too. Ann is one author that I've had the privilege of meeting. She's authentic and just plain sweet!

Happy Birthday to your Mom!
