Laurel, at Laurel's Leaves, posts about using images related to loss. See how missing rings and empty shoes can evoke powerful emotions.
What are some of the images you've used to show loss in your writing?

Have you thought about publishing an ebook? What have you discovered?
Have a blessed weekend!
Good links, thanks Susan!
Happy weekend,
I may use the representation of loss in what I am working on. Thanks for the links.
Hi Susan,
I've heard good things about some e-publishing but Ive been scared of it. More information is always good. thanks
Have a good weekend.
Hi Karen -
You're welcome! I'm glad Blogger resolved its problems. :)
Hi Quiet Spirit -
I thought she gave some excellent examples. Laurel has a way of jumpstarting my thinking process.
Susan :)
Hi Jan -
I like to hear all the pros and cons on the subject. It's something I might consider in the future.
Susan :)
I missed everyone too when blogger was out - felt weird.
Great links Susan, I have visited Laurel´s Leaves a few times lately. I am glad my latest book is available as e-book, but I haven´t seen it myself, I guess I´m old school...
That is a great idea to portray emotion by using what is not there. An empty crib or rocking chair would be a very sad thing as would beat up shoes and a fishing pole by the porch. Emptiness also shows what is left behind, good and bad. When you put lots of nickknacks away, only the best shine forth.
Hi Chatty -
It was strange being disconnected.
Hi Marja -
I can read ebooks on my computer and even downloaded one. Have I read it yet? No.
Hi Nancy -
Great ideas! I'm glad the article sparked your imagination.
Susan :)
Thanks for these links, Susan.
From my book When You Need a Prayer, I said this in my prayer for you when you've lost a loved one:
"Her soul is all winter, with no hope or desire for spring. How can birds build nests and tulips dance when her love lies buried? The enemy has convinced her that she’s forgotten how to sing."
I know you have experienced the depths of grief, Susan. I'm grateful the Lord brought you through and is using your experience ot help others.
Great links. I met Larry Brooks at the Storymakers Conference. Loved his presentation.
Hi Jen -
I can't wait to read the rest of your book. You describe bereavement with pinpoint accuracy.
Hi Kathi -
I subscribe to his blog, and enjoy how he communicates writing principles.
Susan :)
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