Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Round-Up - #132

Larry Brooks, at Storyfix, tells us "the last thing an agent wants to hear." Note: Be aware, this isn't a Christian site.

Kay Marshall Strom guests posts on The Roving Editor. She gives six rules for great writing.

Have a great weekend!

Which one is your favorite?


Jody Hedlund said...

Congrats on getting your devotion published, Susan! Trying to catch up on some blogging this week and saw that I missed that post! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Bess said...

I'm going to look at both. Secular or not, the first one looks very important.

Have a good weekend.


Jaime Wright said...

Great links - and yes! Congrats!!! :) :) Enjoy some tea for me ;)

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Oooh, good links for today. Thanks!

Jean Fischer said...

I enjoyed both. Here's a tip someone gave me about making verbal pitches. Using MS Word, write the pitch as dialog. Then, use the "speech" function to listen to it. Imagine that you are the agent. Does it sound natural? Does it flow? Is it succinct while still conveying the idea?

Thanks, Susan, for always leading us to interesting posts.

Blessed Thanksgiving!

Rhonda Schrock said...

Checked them both, Susan. They're both helpful.

Friday blessings!


Nancy said...

I enjoyed Larry's article. I can see that picturing a dust jacket and revealing those elements would be better than a long story.

The other post was great. I love how you can take away good info at a glance.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jody -

Thanks! It's always nice to get some encouragement.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Britt -

I'm on Larry's email list. He gives some good advice even if I'm not always crazy about his examples.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jaime -

Thanks, I plan to have some of that English Breakfast Tea in the morning. Yummy!

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Cindy -

I thought both of them were helpful. Larry's title pulled me in immediately.


Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jean -

Ooo, good suggestions! I didn't even know about that feature. My version of Word is old, so I wonder if I have it.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Rhonda -

Have a great weekend, Rhonda!

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Nancy -

I need to read both of these posts over and over again. It takes time to absorb all that information.

Susan :)

Anonymous said...

I saved the Larry Brooks article to my Bookmarks. One really has to have that 30 second pitch down. Agents are salespeople an need to be approached as such, rather than a potential reader of your book. Thanks for the link.

Jeanette Levellie said...

I can only see the second one--the top one cut off. I've noticed that for the last few weeks on your blog--the top appears to begin with, but disappears as it loads. Not sure what kind of glitch that is!

Have a great weekend,

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Stephen -

Larry does a good job of communicating. I'm glad you found the article helpful.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jen -

Sorry you're having a problem. Have you gone to Tools/Compatibility view? Perhaps you need to reset it.


Terri Tiffany said...

Same thing happens with me with your blog--the top part is cut off! Glad to see I'm not the only one experiencing it.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Terri -

The Tools/Compatibility View fix only works with PC's. Unfortunately, there's no remedy with the MAC.

If you have a MAC, I suggest you check out the post when the new one comes up. You'll be a bit behind, but will get to see the whole thing.
