The Grubb family, Pa and his twins, Ishmael and Ivy, decide to squat on Galen's land. Trying to do the Christian thing, he allows them to stay in return for Ishmael's help on the farm. He doesn't know how much that decision will cost him down the road.
A wondrous future becomes a nightmare of mammoth proportions. How could anything good come from such a desperate situation? Galen, Laney, and a whole town get a lesson in forgiveness they'll never forget.
When I picked up this book, I settled down with familiar characters from Cathy's previous books. They once again drew me into their lives and the mid-1800's. I'd hoped she would tell Laney's story, and found it a pleasant read.
The author does a fine job getting to the heart of the characters' thoughts and emotions. When faced with circumstances that will impact their lives in a negative way, they wrestle with doing the right thing. A strong spiritual message permeates the story, and their actions are weighed by the scripture, as well as the social norms of the day.
Although this is a stand-alone novel, I think the reader would miss a lot by skipping over the previous book. Happy reading!
I need more time to read Susan :)
Hi Marja -
Me too. :)
sounds interesting.
This sounds like a realistic novel. I've not heard of Ms. Hake.
Thanks for sharing,
Hi Sarah -
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I've read all five of Cathy's books and enjoyed them.
Susan :)
Hi Jen -
I've read a variety of genres since I started the blog. Historicals are fast becoming a favorite. :)
Ohh, intrigue. Sounds like a fun book, and I want to know what the nightmare is, so I guess I'll have to put this on my "to be read" list.
Thanks, Susan!
The book sounds like it will be just like the title. When well done, that too can be rewarding.
Thanks for the review! It sounds like I need to read the first book too!
Hi Kristen -
You won't be disappointed. Cathy gets her characters into some deep trouble. :)
Hi Nancy -
Cathy's characters learn a lot about trusting God in an awful situation.
Susan :)
Hi T. Anne -
It's a stand-alone novel, but you'd gain a deeper appreciation for the characters by reading the first book.
Susan :)
Enjoyed this one too, as well as Cathy's other books. Thanks for the review!
Karen :)
Hi Karen -
Thanks for introducing me to Cathy's books. They've given me many hours of reading delight.
Susan :)
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