Ronie Kendig has a BS in Psychology and is a wife, mother of four, and avid writer. Her novels include Dead Reckoning (March 2010, Abingdon Press) and Nightshade (July 2010, Barbour Publishing), Book #1 in The Discarded Heroes series. She speaks to various groups, volunteers with the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), and mentors new writers.
Welcome to Christian Writer/Reader Connection, Ronie! I'm excited that you agreed to the interview.
1. By way of introduction, please tell us when you began writing.
I've always been crafting stories (and playing with Barbies as a youngster stirred my creativity), but it wasn't until I was a junior in high school that I really took to writing. As a newlywed, I wrote (bought my first word processor at 21), and then my husband nudged me to seek publication sometime around 2000. I still have my first rejection dated 2002.
2. How would you describe your genre and how did you choose it?
Dead Reckoning is an espionage thriller, but the military series that I'm working on (Nightshade, Book #1 releases this July!) is more a cross between a suspense and a thriller. Maybe a Clancy crossed with Dee Henderson (at least, that's what others have said about the books. I'm not sure I so much chose it as it just grew out of my passion for writing action/adventure and how impatient I tend to be as a reader (meaning, I don't do well with literary styles in reading or writing).
Next Wednesday, Part II of our interview with Ronie will talk about time management and plots/characters.
Very glad to get to know more about Ronie! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Jody -
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope you'll come back for Part II of the interview.
Susan :)
Thanks for having me, Susan. What a treat. And thanks, Jody, for commenting.
Hi Ronie -
Thanks for the interview. I'm sure more people will be commenting later today and tomorrow. :)
Thanks for interviewing my neighbor, fellow Abingdon author, and all-round-nice-lady, Ronie. Looking forward to part 2.
Ronie, nice to meet you here at Susan's great place!!
I look forward to having you sign a book at ACFW!!
Hi Richard -
You're welcome. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Susan :)
Hi Patti -
I'm sure Ronie will be happy to meet you in person. :)
Ooooh, espionage and intrigue--my cup of Starbucks! And, Ronie has red hair. She must be a sterling writer!
Hi Jen -
Yeah, I like intrigue too. I'll be getting her book soon. :)
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