Wednesday, January 14, 2009

On My Nightstand - Club Sandwich by Lisa Samson

Lisa's title refers to a thirty-something mom, desperately juggling the demands of three kids, a marriage teetering on the edge of disaster, a job, a parent with health issues, a writing dream, and less than helpful siblings.

Ivy Schneider discovers there are others in her area sandwiched between the generations. A group forms, fostering friendships, faith, and the realization of how they fit into their roles as parents, spouses, and caregivers.

Lisa doesn't offer pat or simplistic answers. Her characters learn and grow at their own pace. Sometimes they take baby steps and occasionally a leap of faith. Once again, the author has written a true-to-life story, which will encourage women.


Sarah said...

Sounds like a book I could relate to. I don't have kids, but I sense there are a lot of other themes going on.

Thanks for another great review!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Sarah -

You're right. There are many threads throughout this story. Hanging in there through tough times, setting boundaries in relationships, and working with those around you are just a few examples.

I'm a big fan of Lisa's writing.

Susan :)

Jessica Nelson said...

I actually have this book and thought it was really good. It's the only Samson book I've ever read (I think) but I'd be open to reading more. I was definitely getting annoyed with Rusty, (his name, right?) but Samson worked it out okay.
Hum, maybe it was Dusty? LOL I read it a long time ago.
I totally agree about boundaries in relationships. My friend and I were just talking about this and I discovered that I'm much more strict than she is. :-)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Jessica -

It was Rusty. :) Yeah, he was getting on my nerves too. Once she discussed the situation with him, he did see the light.

When characters can get under your skin like that, it's a mark of good writing.

Susan :)

Anonymous said...

Hey that's all right. Rusty got on my nerves too.

Thanks for the review Susan!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Lisa -

Rusty wasn't a bad guy, just clueless. Ah, see what I mean. You're writing is so true to life that I think he's a real person.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Susan :)