Thursday, June 12, 2008

Friday Round-Up - #2

Since the company I work for celebrates Flag Day, Mom and I decided to take advantage of the day off and visit family in W. Virginia. Because of this brief trip, Monday's post may not show up until the evening.

The Internet and writers' conferences provide the bulk of my writing education, which is an ongoing process. Here are some of my favorite links:

These sites deal not only with the craft of writing, but also the business of writing. While all of us would prefer to give 100% of our attention to the creative side, the need to understand publishing is a fact of life. As Christians, we view writing as a high calling. Yet, to reach our audience with the wisdom, wit, and stories God has birthed in our hearts, it takes plain, old hard work.

Famous Quote For The Week:

"Religion and good morals are the only solid foundation of public liberty and happiness." Samuel Adams

Enjoy your weekend.


Annie said...

Thank you for the links and I adore the new look of your blog. Nice!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Annie -

You're welcome. Didn't they do a great job? The name of the company is Tekeme Studios.

Susan :)

Christina Tarabochia said...

Hi, Susan! You invited me to take a look at your blog, so here I am. Come by mine because there are a few of my blog links that I think you'd like to take a look at. Some are editors, like Karen Ball, or some are fellow writers. We could even link to each other if you'd like. :-)

Tekeme is going to do a design for me also. Love their stuff!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Christina -

Thanks for stopping by. I've read your blog often. (Yeah, one of those infamous lurkers.) I'll have to check out your links. I'd love to add you to my blogroll as soon as I write down your address. :)

George and Ashley did a great job for me. I know you'll be pleased. Keep an eye on their blog. They're always having contests.

Susan :)