
Monday, January 22, 2018

New Year Resolutions or Dream Boards?

I dumped making resolutions years ago. The latest rage seems to be Dream Boards. The main idea is to have what you want/want to accomplish in front of you as a reminder to move toward that goal.

A lot of people get a word for the year. The one that keeps popping up for me is, "Vision." I had a vision for The Moses Conspiracy, but The Scent of Fear didn't come quite so easily.

My latest book (still unpublished) frightened me so much that it took me four months to get going. An ambitious project and the beginning of a series, I knew there was no way I could write it in my own strength. The Lord finally interrupted my desperation prayers and asked a question, "How did you write The Moses Conspiracy?" A light went off in my head. I sat down at the computer and wrote, praying for direction.

So, Vision and Dream Boards seem to fit where I'm at in my writing life. As the second book in the new series plays hide and seek in my brain, I know what I must do: take all those bits and pieces and throw them on the page. Eventually, they'll get sorted out and the story will take shape. The Dream Board may serve as a reminder of where I'm headed.

Such is the life of a Pantser - exciting, nerve-wracking, and a never-to-be-forgotten journey of faith.

Writers:  Do you pray for a theme/word for the New Year? Please share.

Readers:  What do you want to accomplish/see happen in your life this year?

Photo Credit:  Naama.y.m.


  1. No resolutions here either. Just a determination to be a little more consistent and purposeful in my walk with the Lord, relationships, and projects. Have a good week! :)

  2. Hi Susan - no resolutions, nor for that matter dream boards ... I must settle and get my booklets done ... good luck with your goals for this year - cheers Hilary
