
Friday, May 12, 2017

Low-Tech/Pantsers/Judge Alito/Devo/Recipe

1.  Okay, all you writer types out there. Sometimes we get too cerebral and need a dose of humor. Writer Unboxed talks about low-tech tools for writers. Knowing how techy challenged I am, you'll see why I liked this.

2.  Every writer wants to improve their craft, including us pantsers. Lisa Cron guest posts at Writers in the Storm with rare advice for those who aren't plotters.

3.  Breaking Christian News reports on Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's speech urging Christians to "evangelize" for religious freedom.

4.  Adelee Russell, at Rewritten, talks about waking up to grace. If you've ever struggled with condemnation, this is a must read.

5.  Would you like to make something special for Mom? Check out Mom's Chocolate Pudding at the Food Network. Rated: Easy

Writers:  Are you techy-challenged or techy-savvy? Please share.

Readers:  Are you making something special for Mother's Day? Please share.

1 comment:

  1. Susan: I am relatively tech-challenged. I know things, up to a point. I went back to pen and paper to do research on two mini-plays. One of which I have done. I am not making anything special for Mother's Day unless I get to make chicken stir-fry. Our son is coming in tomorrow,
    Saturday, and we are going to go out to Cracker Barrel for our main meal of the weekend.
