
Monday, September 12, 2016

Making Lemonade



Yeah, I know summer is galloping into the sunset, but I'm talking about a different kind of beverage. You know - when life hands you lemons kind of lemonade.


This is my first post since the end of July. As most of you know, I went on a blog break to recover from a broken wrist and a gash in my scalp. Typing with one paw in a cast isn't easy.


Here were some of the lemons:


1.         It hurt!

2.         Being right handed, writing was almost impossible.

3.         Common tasks like doing my hair, putting on socks, opening a cereal box, cutting a piece of meat, and many other things didn't happen.

4.         Driving - not allowed. This hit hard since I'm the official Sweetie Mom chaueffeur. 

5.         Dealing with doctors and insurance companies.

6.         Having four staples removed - serious ouch. They finally had to give me a local anesthetic.

7.         Feeling like a zombie for the first two weeks.


Ah, but lest you think it was all lemons, I sprinkled in some sugar, water and stirred.


1.         Most of my clothes accommodated the purple cast with no problem and color coordinated.

2.         I'm thankful for walking shoes with velcro closures. Only one hand needed!

3.         Catching up on five years worth of sleep.

4.         I'm grateful to Sweetie Mom for jumping into the driver's seat and getting us around town. It gave us both a measure of independence.

5.         I learned that putting my laundry in lightweight duffle bags is easier than lugging it in clunky baskets. I'll probably use this method from now on.

6.         Riding to church and doctor appointments with friends and getting to know them better.

7.         Awesome neighbors - food, doctor appointment ride, moving my car when necessary.

8.         Did I mention sleep?

9.         As I recovered and pain no longer shot up my arm at the slightest effort to use my fingers, I was able to read, do some editing with my left hand, reconcile my checkbook, and other small tasks.

10.       I'm thankful for my wonderful bosses and co-workers who kept everything humming while I was out. Special thanks to my friend in HR, who advised me on finding my way through the insurance maze.

11.       Jessica, in my doctor's office, helped me a great deal with the insurance issues.

12.       Most of all, I had more time to reflect, get into the Word, and discuss situations with the Lord.


As you can see, the lemons meant to ruin my summer instead made me appreciate family, friends, and remind me of those lazy school vacations.


Writers and Readers:  Did you have times when you chose to make lemonade out of lemons? Please share.

Photo Credit: ilker


  1. Hi Susan - glad to see you're recovered ... must have been a shock. There's always some delicious lemon after that first sour burst ... and we just need to look for the sweetness of a fresh drink ... so true. Good for you - cheers Hilary

  2. So glad you are back and well! Sometimes lemonade can be a good thing. :)

  3. Hi Hillary - Nice to see you! I'll pop over to your site momentarily.

    Hi Karen - Thanks. Yes, I frequently order lemonade when at Chick-Fil-A. :)
