
Friday, June 24, 2016

Cliches/Dialogue/Free Speech/Hope/Devo

1.  I confess. I like cliches, and my critique partners and editor are always pointing them out. When I saw this post on Writer Unboxed, my reaction was, "YES!" Jo Eberhardt doesn't advocate drowning our readers in these devices, but used sparingly, they can save a lot of writing. Check out, "In Defense of Cliches."  (Notes: This is not a Christian site.)

2.  Writing dialogue is one of my favorite aspects of writing, but it can be tricky. Amy Sue Nathan guest posts at Writers In The Storm on fine tuning your dialogue.

3.  California is trying to pass a law fining and even arresting those who do investigative reporting. This includes bloggers and websites that report/show/tweet these stories. The video footage on Planned Parenthood was so devastating that efforts to silence those exposing the horrors ignore the foundation of free speech.

4.  Whether you're a writer or a reader, Gail Kittleson's guest post at Elaine Stock's blog will resonate with you. Choose hope.

5.  Jeanette Levellie shares her experience, and declares, "So, this is what hell feels like."

Writers:  Do you like cliches? Please share your struggles with erasing them from your writing.

Readers:  How do you maintain your hope level?

Photo Credit:  Colin Cochrane


  1. Thanks so much for the links, Susan! Praying your wrist heals quickly! xo :)

  2. Thank you for the link on cliches. If you listen to non0-writers, they talk in cliches most of the time. How long will you be in a cast?
