
Friday, March 20, 2015

Purpose/Humor/Surviving a Writing Drought

1.  Jennifer Slattery, at Faith, Friends...and Chocolate, asks, "Are You Living on Purpose." Whether or not we're writers, our schedules can leave us with no down time to just enjoy life.

2.  Carol Heilman guest posts at Seriously Write. She talks about letting your humor show.

3.  Kathleen McCleary posts at Writer unBoxed about surviving a drought (the writing variety). I'm always interested in how writers handle those times.

Writers:  Do you include humor in your writing? Please share.

Readers:  Do you take time to relax, unwind, and re-charge? What's your favorite way to take a break from that endless to-do list?

Have a blessed week!

Photo credit:  michaelaw


  1. Hi, Susan. Yes, I try to incorporate humor into my writing, especially when I'm writing for kids. When it comes to taking a break, you know that I love my coffee breaks, and I also enjoy spending time with my friends.

  2. At this time of my life, I am re-evaluating where to spend my time and place my efforts. As an empty-nester and one who works at home now, I have more time to create and move toward goals I placed aside for a season. Spending time with friends and my grandchildren is my favourite way to spend my downtime! Thank you for sharing those links!
