
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Give Thanks

In 1620, the Pilgrims landed in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts. They'd left behind religious persecution for a wild, untamed land. With the help of local Indians, they planted crops and gathered a bountiful harvest. A three-day feast was held in 1621 to thank God for His provision.

Today, Americans gather for a traditional meal with family and friends. Yet the focus has been turned around. How many times do we hear, "Happy Turkey Day?" Instead of thanking the One who provided the blessings we enjoy, the attention centers on the food and fellowship.

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, let's remember to thank the Giver of every good and perfect gift.

Writers and Readers:  What are you thankful for today? I'll go first. I'm grateful I was born in a country where I can worship God freely.

Photo Credit:  abcdz2000

1 comment:

  1. Susan; I am thankful for my salvation. I am thankful I serve a God who hears my prayers and walks beside me every day.
