
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

On My Nightstand - Currently Reading

Historical Romance attracts this history-loving reader. Tamera Alexander obliges with To Whisper Her Name, a novel in her Belle Meade Plantation series.

I'm almost halfway through the book at this point and carry it with me everywhere. I've got two other books in various stages of completion (reading), but I grab this one when I have a spare moment. That should say something about how involved I am in the story.

Here's the scenario:

1.  Ridley Cooper, Southern man. fights for the Union - then returns home.
2.  Olivia Aberdeen, a Southern woman, ostracized because of her late husband's dealings with the North.

While my favorite genre is action/suspense, these characters have me wrapped around their pinkies. Tamera Alexander knows how to appeal to readers with deep emotion, impossible odds, and real-world problems.

Five stars for this one, folks!

Writers and readers:  What's on your nightstand these days?


  1. Hi Susan - historical romantic novels are fun reads and we can learn much about different places ... my nightstand - just about every book I own!! Way too many ... cheers Hilary

  2. This one sounds yummy! I prefer historical or light romance, but also like encouraging, faith-building non-fiction.

    On my nightstand is a mystery set in the 40's, which my husband and I read at night before we go to bed.

  3. Hi Hilary -

    I enjoy historical romance as well. It takes dry textbook stuff and wraps it in flesh and blood people.

    Hi Jeanette - You'd love this one, Jen!

    God bless,
    Susan :)
