
Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday Round-Up - #239

Back in the early 1990's, there were few resources for writers. An author had to attend a formal school or dig through the library for help. Today, we have the Internet and access not only to information, but also to a supportive writing community.

Here are some websites and groups I've discovered:

American Christian Fiction Writers - ACFW for short. - This organization is devoted to providing educational opportunities, critique groups, and an annual conference. They also have a loop where writers can discuss all aspects of writing, a prayer request loop, and a fiction finder. The annual Genesis Contest for unpublished writers is one of the premier contests available to those in the fiction community.

Writing Blogs - I could write a post with just links to great blogs. Here are a few of my favorites:

Jean Fischer - - Jean is a freelance writer, and formerly worked as an editor for Golden Books. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the industry.

Edie Melson - - I recently discovered Edie's blog. She has great tips on Social Media and other aspects of writing.

Jeff Goins - - Jeff gives valuable information on how to expand your blogging platform. I always enjoy his posts.

Magazines -

Christian Fiction Online Magazine - - Bonnie Calhoun is the editor. Numerous authors contribute to this topnotch magazine.

Writers: What are some of your favorite writing websites/blogs/magazines?

Readers/Bloggers:  What subjects do you like to see on blogs?

Photo Credit:  blary54


  1. Susan, I'm humbled to be included in your list of recommended resources for writers! Thank you so much, it means a great deal to me.

  2. Hi Edie -

    It's well deserved. I'm enjoying your blog so much.

    Susan :)

  3. I love Randy Ingersoll's funny, informative newsletter, Cecil Murphey's blog and newsletter, and Angela Hoy's newsletter.

    I've also learned a lot from YOU and Karen Lange's blogs. You ladies are great resources of wisdom and knowledge.

  4. Hi Jen -

    Thanks for the additions. I'm honored to be included on your list.

    Susan :)

  5. Great resources, thanks for sharing them, Susan! There are so many wonderful tools out there for us now.

    Had to smile at Jen's comment. She's a sweetheart too!

    Happy weekend,

  6. Hi Karen -

    I agree. In fact, there's no doubt in my mind that I could be reading these sources 24/7!

    Jen's comments made me smile as well. As you would say, "she's a peach."

    Susan :)
