
Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday Round-Up - #220

Author Jody Hedlund explores the subject, "Is Blogging a Time-Suck for Writers?"

Loree Huebner, at Between you, me and the gatepost, discusses the use of heirlooms in our stories.

Writers:  What are your thoughts about blogging and time management?

Readers: What are some of your favorite elements in a story: heirlooms, scene detail, customs of a bygone time period, etc.?

Have a blessed weekend!


  1. I'm considering slowing down, but staying strong with blogging for now b/c of what I get out of it. It still inspires (mainly the comments).
    ~ Wendy

  2. I read that article about blogging being a time suck and I've been thinking about it ever since. Yeah, I guess in my case, blogging is a bit of a time suck, but something about it makes me stick. I think, like Wendy, I'm getting something out of it so it's worth it to me.

  3. I agree with Jody; it does suck time. But in some cases, it's worth the time it takes to interact with others and get their input and insights. I met you through blogging, and you've sown a bunch of great seed into my life!

  4. I don't recall including heirlooms in any of my stories, though I think I would like them.

    I have found that something I enjoy very much are customs of bygone times. Mostly I love to read about what previous women did in the way of grooming, dressing, and their daily routines.

    Blogging may be a time stealer, but it is worth my time because I love the people and connections that I make.

  5. Hi Wendy - Like you, blogging inspires me. I did cut back to twice a week, which has helped a lot.

    Hi Cindy - Blogging is my favorite form of social media. The relationships are worth the time and effort.

    Hi Jen - Thanks. It's mutual. :)

    Hi Nancy - My main character has her mother's Bible. I like reading and writing about family heirlooms because of my interest in antiques.

    Susan :)
