
Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Round-Up - #214

Michael Ehret talks about goal setting for the organizationally challenged. Confidence is built one small success at a time.

Writers:  What kind of intermediate goals have you set for your writing journey?

Readers: This can apply to other facets of life, but what goals have you set for reading? Will you try a new genre this year or several new authors? Please share.

Photo credit:  4seasons


  1. Hi Susan .. I have new challenges ahead - well old ones, but redefined now that life has changed. For now I head towards the Memorial Service - organising it and writing to family and friends .. while clearing some (mostly blog) papers before I move on to letters etc and a general clear out - not that much fortunately - and setting up those stepping stones or stair case up to to the future ...

    one step at a time ... slow, but sure.... cheers -enjoy your weekend .. Hilary

  2. Susan,
    I've been out of towna nd am catching up on blogs. "God breathed pathway" should be painted on a plaque.

    I usually have two or three books going at one time. My latest challenge is preparing for a two hour workshop.

  3. My main goal is to clear a few smaller projects out of the way and then tackle a larger one. One step at a time - good advice, thank you!

    Have a good weekend,

  4. Michael is such a nice person. I love the way he talks about setting small goals. I find that that technique does work quite well.

  5. Hi Hilary - There are many tasks after a loved one passes. One step at a time worked for me.

    Hi Linda - Welcome back. Oh, what a great idea for a plaque! Usually, I've got my nose in two or three books as well. Right now, it's down to one because my days are so hectic.

    Hi Karen - The smaller projects can pile up. It's always nice to finish them and move on.

    Hi Nancy - I'm glad I discovered his blog. He gives some good advice.

    Susan :)

  6. Definitely a small victory makes me more confident to strive for bigger. I keep stretching and praying for God's leading in my life. :O)

  7. Hi Diane -

    That's a great strategy and one I've found helpful as well. Every time one of my smaller, non-fiction projects gets published, it's a boost to my morale.

    Susan :)
