
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

On My Nightstand - Paper Roses by Amanda Cabot

With the death of her parents and a little sister to raise, Sarah Dobbs heads for Texas as a mail-order bride. Austin's tender letters stir something in her heart, and she considers them her "paper roses." Upon her arrival, she learns that he's dead.

Austin's brother, Clay, is angry and determined to find his brother's killer. Then, he plans to leave Texas forever. Will he remain blind to Sarah and all that life has to offer or will he see the truth before it's too late?

This was my first Amanda Cabot book, but it sure won't be my last. I want to read the rest of her Texas Dreams books. Both characters dealt with hatred and came to grips with the bitterness eating them alive.

Writers: Do you focus on a particular aspect of character when writing?

Readers: Has a book (other than the Bible) changed your thinking or your life? In what way?


  1. There's something about mail order bride stories which get me, every time! I love them, and can't wait to read this one. Thanks for sharing... Sooz. xx

  2. Sounds like a winner! I need to check this one out. Thanks for the info. :)


  3. Hi Dottie - This was a nice romance with a serious streak.

    Hi Karen - My TBR pile is getting longer by the minute, especially with all the free Kindle books out there.

    Hi Chatty - I think you'd enjoy this book.

    Susan :)

  4. Oh, goodness. So many books have impacted me. And they're not all nonfiction, either. A well-told story has such power.

    Keep writing, my friend.

  5. Hi Rhonda -

    I know. It's hard to pick one, isn't it?

    Susan :)

  6. I want to read this one, such a pretty cover too.

  7. Hi JoyAnne -

    My mother and I both enjoyed this book. Amanda did a great job.

    Susan :)
